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Appels à propositions pour des conférences ou des publications relatives à l'histoire de la télévision, et, plus généralement, la recherche sur les médias
The European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA) in partnership with USI Università della Svizzera italiana call for proposals to be presented at the 7th European Communication Conference, to be held in Lugano, Switzerland, from 31 October to 3 November 2018.
Site de l'événement :


Using Television’s Material Heritage


The medium of television is responsible for a huge accumulation of redundant objects.This raises various questions, from practical to historiographical and methodological ones. What are we to do with this accumulation of objects, many of which are not easily recycled?  How do we approach these objects as historical records? What tools and research practices do we need to go beyond the written cultures of television and address its non-discursive experiences? 



This special issue proposes a reexamination of public service broadcasting (PSB) in the light of the most recent technological, political and economic developments. The question of their survival has been posed again and again. The need for a redefinition seems inevitable.



  • Call For People - MEDIA HISTORY FROM THE MARGINS - Summer Seminar at Monte Verità, Switzerland August 19-24, 2018

  • 22 NOV 2017 - FIAT / IFTA Rationale Media Studies Grant

From FIAT / IFTA website


To enhance collaboration between research and archive communities and ensure the valorization of academic knowledge for archival practice as well as to promote research of holdings of member television archives, the Media Studies Commission of the International Federation of Television Archives has set up the Media Studies Grant. This programme offers support for research done at member television archives with the aim to study archival material or archiving practices from these institutions. Priority is given to projects that research topics that are relevant for the history of the archive institution, for European television history or for archival practice.

  • FIAT/IFTA Media Studies Grant – Call for ProjectsDescription and Rationale

Appel à projet de recherche de la Fédération internationale des Archives de Télévision

Date limite : 2 avril 2018

Détails sur le site de la FIAT

The Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C²DH) is delighted to announce a Summer School on Transnational Radio History, hosted by the University of Luxembourg / C²DH, and including two full-day excursions to the historic transmitter sites of Europe 1 (in Berus, Germany) and Radio Luxembourg (in Junglinster, Luxembourg). The Summer School is organised in collaboration with the Ministry of Culture of Saarland / Germany and the Ministry of Culture of Luxembourg in the context of the European Year of Culture 2018.

For more details, see the page of the event.

Le numéro 29 de la revue CIRCAV portera sur L'art des génériques au cinéma et à la télévision. Les propositions, à envoyer pour le 31 janvier 2018, pourront privilégier une approche technique (quels outils, selon quels supports ?), esthétique, narrative, historique, économique… afin de cerner les différentes facettes de cet objet méconnu et pourtant indispensable, le générique de début comme celui qui clôt une œuvre, au cinéma et à la télévision.


Appel à contributions

Site "Histoire de la téléision" (André Lange)
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