La télévision aux Etats-Unis
FINK, D.G., "Television broadcasting practice in America. 1927 to 1944", J. IEE, 1945, 92, part III, pp.145-60.
BARNOUW, E., A History of Broadcasting in the United States, New York, Oxford University Press, 3 vol., 1966/70.
CHESTER, E.W., Radio, Television and American Politics, Sheed and Ward, New York, 1969.
SETTEL, I. and LAAS, W., A Pictorial History of Television, Grosset & Dunlap, Inc., New York, 1969.
BURBAGE, R. CAZEMAJOU, J., KASPI, A., Presse, radio et télévision aux Etats-Unis, Armand Collin, Paris, 1972.
CANTOR, M., The Hollywood Television Producer, Basic Books, New York, 1971.
GREENFIELD J., Television : The First Fifty Years, Harry N Abrams, 1977.
BERTRAND, C.-J., Les Etats-Unis et leur télévision, INA, Champ Vallon, Paris, 1989.
BILBY, K., The General: David Sarnoff and the Rise of Communications Industry, Harper & Row, New York, 1986.
ERICKSON H., Syndicated Television : The First Forty Years, McFarland & Co, 1989.(2nd. edition, 2001).
GRANDI, R., Radio et televisione negli Stati Uniti, Feltrineli, Milano, 1980.
HIMMELSTEIN, H., Television Myth and the American Mind, Praeger, New York, 1984.
HOLLINS, T., Beyond Broadcasting: Into the Cable Age, BFI Publications, London, 1984.
KELLNER, D., "Network Television and American Society. Introduction to a Critical Theory of Television", Theory and Society, n.10, 1981.
MARC, D., Demographic Vistas. Television in American Culture, University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia, 1984.
SKUTCH, I., I remember Television : A Memoir. A Directors' Guild of America Oral History , Scarecrow Press, 1989.
STREETER, T., "Policy discourse and broadcast practice : the FCC, the US broadcast networks and the discourse of the marketplace", in Media, Culture and Society, n°5, Sage, London, 1983.
"Télévision par câble et télévision publique aux Etats-Unis", Problèmes politiques et sociaux, La Documentation française, Paris, 1983.
UDELSON, J.H., The great television race, University of Alabama Press, 1982.
100 chaînes thématiques du câble aux Etats-Unis, Lynx-Edicom, Paris, 1994.
ANDERSON, C., Hollywood TV. The Studio System in the Fifties, University of Texas Press, Austin, 1994.
AULETTA, K., Three blind mices. How the NT Networks Lost Their Way, Random House, New York, 1991.
BARNOUW, E., Tube of Plenty. The evolution of American Television, 2nd Revised Edition, Oxford University Press, New York, Oxford, 1990.
BERTRAND, C.-J. et BORDAT, F., Les médias français aux Etats-Unis, Presses universitaires de Nancy, Nancy, 1994.
BROOKS, T. and MARSH, E., The Complete Directory to Prime-Time Network and Cable TV Shows, 1946-Present (6th Edition; Revised), Ballantine, 1995.
CALABRO M., Zap ! : A Brief History of Television, Simon & Schuster, 1992.
COMSTOCK, G., Television in America, 2nd edition, Sage, Newsbury Park, CA, 1991.
DAY, J., The vanishing vision. The inside story of public television, University of California Press, Berkeley, 1995.
DONOVAN, R.J. and SCHERER, R., Unsilent Revolution: Television and American Public Life, Cambridge University Press, New York, 1992.
DOYLE, M., The Future of Television. A global overview of programming, advertising, technology and growth, NAPTE / NTC Business Books, Chicago, 1992.
FEUER, J., Seeing Through the Eighties. Television and Reaganism, Duke University Press, Durnham / London, 1995.
HEAD, S.W., STERLING, C., SCHOFIELD, B., Broadcasting in America, Boston, 1994.
HELDENFELS R., Television's greatest Year : 1954, Continuum Publishing Group, 1994.
HILLIARD, R.L. and KEITH, M.C., The Broadcast Century. A Biography of American Broadcasting, Focal Press, Butterworth-Heinemann, Stoneham, 1992.
HOSFELDT, T., Broadcast News, Guide.
HOYNES, W., Public television for sale. Media, the market, and the public sphere, Westview, Boulder, 1994.
KELLNER, D., Television and the Crisis of Democracy, Westview Press, Boulder - San Francisco - Oxford, 1990.
LESLIE SMITH, F., WRIGHT, J.W., Perspectives on radio and television, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Mahwah, New Jersey, 1998.
LICHTER, R.S., LICHTER, L.S., ROTHMAN, S., Prime Time. How TV Portrays American Culture, Regnery Publishing, Washington D.C., 1994.
MARC, D., Demographic Vistas. Revised edition, University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia, 1996.
MARIET F., La télévision américaine, Médias, Marketing et Publicité, 2ème édition, Economica, Paris, 1992.
McNEIL, A., Total Television: The Comprehensive Guide to Programming from 1948 to the Present, Penguin, 1996.
Jeff Miller's History of American Broadcasting. Ce site présente la reproduction de divers documents utiles pour l'histoire de la radio et de la télévision aux Etats-Unis (premiers textes réglementaires de la FCC relatifs à la télévision, liste des premières stations, grilles de programmes des années 40-50, etc.)
MURRAY, M.D., Television in America : Local Station History from Across the Nation, Iowa State University Press, Texas, 1997.
O'NEIL, T., The Emmys: Star Wars, Showdons, and the Supremer Test of TV's Best, Penguin, New York, 1992.
O'DELL, C., Women Pioneers in Television: Biographies of Fifteen Industry Leaders , 1997.
RITCHIE M., Please Stand by : A Prehistory of Television, Penguin USA, 1995.
ROMAN J., Love, Light and a Dream. Television’s Apst, Present and Future, Praeger Publsihers, Westport Connecticut, 1996.
SLIDE A., The Television Industry : A Historical Dictionnary, Greenwood Pub Group, 1991.
SPIGEL, L. and CURTIN, M., (ed.), The Revolution wasn't televised. Sixties Television and Social Conflict, AFI Film Readers, Routledge, New York - London, 1997.
Telcos versus Cablos : le new deal du câble aux Etats-Unis, IDATE, Montpellier, 1995.
VOGEL H., Entertainment Industry Economics. A Guide for financial Analysis, Fourth Edition, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1998.
The Great debate and Beyond. The History of Presidential Debates. Une histoire en-ligne des campagnes télévisées des élections présidentielles américaines
WHITE, T.H., Early Radio History, Articles and extracts about early radio and related technologies, concentrating on the United States in the period from 1897 to 1927.