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Bibliographies de l'histoire du cinéma, de la radio et de la télévision





"Phototelegraphy and Television", in Special Libraries, vol.16, 1925, p.411




BADEN A.L., Television, a selected list of recent writings, Library of Congress, 1938.




BRODERICK G.G., MOSKOWITZ, H., Radio and television bibliography, Office of Education. Bulletin ; no. 17 Federal Security Agency, Office of Education, 1949.


Radio and Television Bibliography. Bulletin, Federal Security Agency, 1948, No. 17




BROWN D.E.,  Radio and Television: An Annotated BibliographyJournalism Quarterly, Volume: 34 issue: 3, page(s): 378-386 September 1, 1957


PAULU B., A Radio and Television Bibliography. Books and magazins articles published between January 1, 1949 and May 1, 1950, University of Minnesota, 1950.


PAULU B. (ed.), A Radio and Television Bibliography. Books and magazins articles on the nontechnical aspects of broadcasting published between January 1, 1949 and June 30, 1952, Urbana (Illinois), 1952.


Radio and Television Bibliography. Bulletin, 1952, No. 18




BARCUS F.A., A bibliography of studies of radio and television program content, 1928–1958, Journal of Broadcasting , Volume 4, 1960 - Issue 4


BEAL-HAMMILL, P., Radio and Television: A Selected Bibliography. Bulletin, 1960, No. 25.


COLE B.G., KLOSE, A.P., "A selected bibliography on the history of broadcasting", Journal of Broadcasting , Volume 7, 1963 - Issue 3


LICHTY, LW., Bibliography on Radio and Television, The bulletin of the National Association of Secondary School Principals, Volume: 50 issue: 312, page(s): 214-222, October 1, 1966




Educational Radio: A Review of the Literature, 1974.


ELLIS J., DERRY C., KERN S., The film book bibliography, 1940-1975, The Scarecrow Press, 1979


LICHTY, W. and TOPPING, M.C., American Broadcasting: a source book on the history of radio and television, Hastings House, New York, 1975


SHIERS G., Bibliography of the history of electronicsN.J., Scarecrow Press, 1972.




AUSTIN B.A.,  The film audience : an international bibliography of research, with annotations and an essay, Scarecrow Press, 1983.


CASSATA, M.B., Television : a guide to the literature, Oryx Press, 1985.


FISHER, K., On the screen : a film, television, and video research guide, Librairies Unlimited, 1986.


HILL G.H., Religious broadcasting, 1920-1983 : a selectively annotated bibliography, Garland Reference Library, 1984.


HILL, S., Broadcasting Bibliography: A Guide to the Literature of Radio and Television, National Association of Broadcasters, 1989.


McCAVITT, W.E., Radio and Television: A Selected, Annotated Bibliography, Supplement 1: 1977-1981, Scarecrow Press, 1982.


PRINGLE, P.K. and CLINTON, H.H., Radio and Television: A Selected, Annotated Bibliography (Supplement Two: 1982-1986), Scrarecrow Press, 1989.


SHIERS G., SHIERS M., Early Television. A Bibliographic Guide to 1950, Garland Publishing, 1997.


SLIDE, A. (Ed.), International Film, Radio and Television Journals (Historical Guides to the World’s Periodicals and Newspaper), Greenwood Publishing Group, 1985.




International Index to Television Periodicals; yearly, FIAF, 1979-1990


"Lire l'audiovisuel", Dossiers de l'audiovisuel, n.42, INA / La Documentation française, Paris, avril 1992.


KRAEUTER D.W., Radio and Television Pioneers: A Patent Bibliography, Scarecrow, 1992.


LUDES, P., Bibliographie zur Entwicklung des Fernsehens, Saur, München, 1990.


MOULDS, M. & BLAMPIED, A International Index to Television Periodicals Index, 2 vol. (1983-1986 et 1987-1990), FIAT, London, 1991. (existe en cédérom).


STERLING, C.H., BRACKEN J.K., HILL. S.B., Mass communications research resources : an annotated guide, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1998.




EMMONS M., Film and television : a guide to the reference literature, Librairies Unlimted, 2006.


MARTIN,  J.B., Mass Media: A Bibliography with Indexes, Nova Publishers, 2002




Bibliography of encyclopedias: film, radio, television and mass communications, Wikipedia.en (consulté le 19 décembre 2019)


LANGE, A., Bibliographie connectée, Site Histoire de la télévision, 1999-2019.


















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