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Bibliographies de la recherche en communication 




Basic Books in the mass media. An annoted selected booklist covering general communications, book publishing, broadcasting, editorial journalisms, films, magazines and advertsing, Chicago-London, 1980.

Bibliocom. Bibliographie internationale de la documentation en langue française sur la communication, Montréal, 1977.


History of Communication Research - Bibliography & Archival Directory 


BLUM E., Basic Books in the Mass Media. An annoted selected booklist, covering general communications, book publishing, broadcasting, film, magazine, newspapers, advertising, indexes and scholarly and profesional periodicals, Urbana, Illinois, 1972.


BLUM E. and GOINS WILHOIT, F., Mass Media Bibliography. An Annotated Guide to Books and Journals for Research and Reference, University of Illinois Press, Urbana and Chicago, 1990.              

  •  L'ouvrage classique d'orientation bibliographique pour la recherche anglo-saxonne.


CRONSTRÖM, J. , Bibliography. Children and Media Violence Research. A selection (1989-), The UNESCO International Clearinghouse on Children and Violence on the Screen at Nordicom, Göteborg, 1999.


GLEICH, U., Mediadaten Südwest 

LENT, J.A., Women and Mass Communications. An international Annoted Bibliography, Greenwood Press, New York, 1991.


List of Documents and Publications in the Field of Mass Media, Unesco, 1983.


"Liste bibliographique de quelques revues européennes de communication et de diffusion", Euro Media, n.1., mars 1960.


List of Documents and Publications in the Field of Mass Communication, n.1 Unesco, 1976.


List of Documents and Publications in the Field of Mass Communication, n.2, Unesco, 1977


List of Documents and Publications in the Field of Mass Communication, n.4, Unesco, 1978


List of Documents and Publications in the Field of Mass Communication, n.5, Unesco, 1980


List of Documents and Publications in the Field of Mass Communication, n.6, Unesco, 1980


List of Documents and Publications in the Field of Mass Communication, n.7, Unesco, 1981


List of Documents and Publications in the Field of Mass Communication, n.9, Unesco, 1983


LUDES, Bibliographie zur Entwicklung des Fernsehens / Bibliography on the Development of Television, KG Saur, 1990


Marxism and the Mass Media : Towards a Basic Bibliography, 3 vol., International Mass Media Research Center, Bagnolet - New York, 1976, 1978, 1979.


Médias. Le livre des livres, Librairie Tekné, Paris, 1995.

International bibliography of mass communication bibliographies, Cracow, 1972.


"Ressources", Site de la Société pour l'histoire des médias

  • Nouvelles parutions, Ouvrages de référence, Mémoires et thèses, Sites de référence


SIMON J., "Massenkommunikation, Massenmedien Auswahlbibliographie" in HANS-BREDOW-INSTITUT, Internationales Handbuch für Hörfunk und Fernsehen 1998-99, Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, Baden-Baden/Hamburg, 1998.


STERLING, C.H. and others, Mass Communications Research Ressources, An annotated guide, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Inc., Mahwah, 1997


STURM, A., "A Bibliography of the Concept Öffentlichkeit", New German Critique, No. 61, Special Issue on Niklas Luhmann (Winter, 1994), pp. 161-202


WEDELL G., LUYKEN, G.-M., LEONARD, R., Mass Communication in Western Europe. An annoted bibliography, The European Institute for the Media, Manchester, 1985.


WITTE E., "Bibiografie", Media en Politiek. Een inleiding tot de literatuur, VUB Press, Brussels, pp.215-243.


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