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Histoire de la T.S.F. et de la radio
Voir également Les écrivains et la radio


  • DAM, H.J.W., "The New Telegraphy. An Interview with Signor Marconi", Strand Magazine, 13, n.35, March 1897, pp.273-280.



  • ERNECKE, E., Über Elektrische Wellen und ihre Anwendung zur Demonstration der Telegraphie ohne Draht nach Marconi : Experimentalvortrag ... R. Gaertner, Berlin, 1897.


  • MARCONI, G., Improvements in Transmitting Electrical Impulses and Signals, and in Apparatus therefor, Br. Pat. N° 12,039, introduite le 2 juin 1896, délivrée le 2 juillet 1897

  • SLABY, A., "The New Telegraphy", Century Magazine, 55, April 1898, pp.867-874.




  • GUARINI-FORESIO, E., La télégraphie sans fil, l'oeuvre de Marconi. Traduit du Scientific American de New-York Ramlot frères et soeurs, 1903 

  • ZAMMARCHI, A., La telegrafia senza fili Istituto italiano d'arti grafiche, 1904.


  • PARTHEIL, G., Die drahtlose Telegraphie und Telephonie, 2.Auflage, Gerdes & Hödel, Berlin, 1907.


  • FLEMING, J.A., An Elementary Manual of Radiotelegraphy and Radiotelephony for Students and Operators, Longmans, Green and Company, 1908

  • FLEMING, J.A., The principles of electric wave telegraphy, Longmans, Green, and co., 1908


  • International wireless telegraph: Hearings, Sixtieth Congress, first session. An international wireless telegraph convention, with service regulations annexed thereto, a supplementary agreement, and a final protocol, all signed at Berlin on November 3, 1906, by delegates of the United States and those of several other powers, Govt. print. off., 1908 




  • BARRECA, Pasquale, Elementi di telegrafia e telefonia senza fili , R. Giusti, 1910, 1911, 2ème édition, 1923

  • HOERSCHELMANN, H. von, Uber die Wirkungsweise des geknickten marconischen Senders in der drahtlosen Telegraphie., 1911​


  • KELLOGG TOWERS,  W., Masters of space: Morse and the telegraph; Thompson and the cable; Bell and the telephone; Marconi and the wireless telegraph; Carty and the wireless telephone,  Harper & brothers [1917]



  • NESPER, E., Der Radio-Amateur „Broadcasting“. Ein Lehr- und Hilfsbuch für die Radio-Amateure aller Lände

  • BURROWS, A.R., The Story of Broadcasting, Cassell, London, 1924​

  • JOME, H.L., Economics of the Radio Industry, A.W. Shaw, 1925.

  • ​​​​SCHRÖTER, F., 25 Jahre Telefunken. Festschrift 1903-1928, Telefunken, 1928.


  • ROSSI Ettore, La telegrafia e la telefonia senza fili , 2 vol., R. Bemporad e Figlio Edit. Tip., 1931

  • VYVYAN, R.N., Wireless over Thirty Years, Routledge, 1933.

  • JACOT, B.L., and COLLIER, D.M.B., Marconi- Master of Space: An Authorized Biography of the Marchese Marconi, Hutchinson & Company, 1935.


  • FLEMING J.A., "Marconi and the Development of Radiocommunication", Journal of Royal Society of Arts, XXVI, 1937, pp.42-63.

  • HUTH, A., La radiodiffusion : puissance mondiale, Gallimard, Paris, 1937.


  • SOLARI, L., Storia della Radio, Mondadori, 1939



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  • MACLAURIN, W.R., Invention and Innovation in the Radio Industry, Macmillan, 1949.

  • MARCONI, G., Scritti di Guglielmo Marconi, Accademia d'Italia, 1941.

  • PESSION, G., Marconi, Unione Tipografico, Torino, 1941.

  • SHURICK, E.P.J., The first quater century of American broadcasting, Midland Publishing Company, 1946.

  • SOLARI, L., Sui mare e sui continenti con le onde elettriche. Il trionfo di Marconi, Fratelli Bocca Editori, 1942.

  • SUDRE, R., Le huitième art. Mission de la radio, Julliard, 1945.


  • DE FOREST, L., Father of Radio: The Autobiography of Lee de Forest, Wilcox & Follet, 1950.

  • EWBANK, H.L., and LAWTON S.P., Broadcasting : Radio and Television, Harper and Brothers, 1952.

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  • DONALDSON, F., The Marconi Scandal, Rupert Hart-Davis, 1962.

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  • READE; L., Marconi and the Discovery of Wireless, Faber and Faber, 1963.



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  • JOLLY, W.P. Marconi, Stein & Day, New York, 1972.

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  • KURYLO, F. and SUSSKIND, C., Ferdinand Braun. A Life of the Nobel Prizewinner and Inventor of the Cathodic-Ray Oscilloscope, The M.I.T. Press, Cambridge, Ma. / London, 1981.

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  • PEGG, M., Broadcasting and Society (1918-1939), Croom Helm, 1983

  • POLI, P., Guglielmo Marconi (opera tecnico scientifica di) Copertina flessibile, C&C, 1985.

  • SOBEL, R., RCA, Stein and Day, 1986.

Sites web

  • Radio Journal International Studies in Broadcast & Audio Media

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  • MacLEOD, M.K., Whisper in the Air: Marconi, The Canada Years, 1902-1946, Hantsport, 1992.

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  • MEADEL, C., Histoire de la radio des années trente, Economica, 1999.

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  • RUTLAND, D., Behind the Front Panel: The Design and Development of 1920's Radios, Wren Publishers, 1994

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Sites web

  • Radio Journal International Studies in Broadcast & Audio Media

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