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Télévision et autres médias en Albanie



Ressources en ligne




  • 1990-1999


GJERGJI B., "Das Rundfunksystem Albaniens" in HANS-BREDOW-INSTITUT, Internationales Handbuch für Hörfunk und Fernsehen 1998/1999, Nomos Verlag, Baden-Baden, 1998.

  • 2000-2009

GJERGJI B., "Das Rundfunksystem Albaniens" in HANS-BREDOW-INSTITUT, Internationales Handbuch für Hörfunk und Fernsehen 2000/2001, Nomos Verlag, Baden-Baden, 2000.

LONDO, I., Digital television in Albania: Policies, development and public debate. Albanian Media Institute, 2006

LONDO, I.  Media Ownership, Independence, and PluralismAlbanian Media Institute, 2007

LONDO, I. Television Across Europe. Follow-up Reports 2008, Albania, Open Society Institute, 2008.

  • 2010-2019

KASMI, B., Zhvillimi si shoqëri tregtare i shoqërive të masmedias dhe eksperienca shqiptare, (Développement en tant que société commerciale de médias et expérience albanaise) Thesis, Univesiteti i Tiranes Fakulteti i Drejtesise Departementi i te drejyes civiles, 2016.

SKIFFER KELLICI, Historia e Radio-Televizionit Shqiptar (1938-1990), Botim TPE, 2003

MAI, N., "'Italy is beautiful". The role of Italian Television in Albanian migration to Italy", in KING, R. and WOOD N., Media and Migration: Constructions of Mobility and DifferenceRoutledge, 2013


TOCHKA, N., Audible States: Socialist Politics and Popular Music in Albania, Oxford University Press, 2016


Site "Histoire de la téléision" (André Lange)
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