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Télévision en Asie




Asia Pacific Television : Cable and satellite, Baskerville Communications, New York, 1995.

Asia Pacific Television : Channels, Baskerville Communications, New York, 1995.

Asia Pacific Television : Revenues, Baskerville Communications, New York, 1995.



FRENCH, D., RICHARDS, M. Television in Contemporary Asia, SAGE Publications, 2000.


KEANE, M., MORAN, A., Television Across Asia: TV Industries, Programme Formats and Globalisation, Routledge, 2003.

KILLEY, P. (ed.), Television, Regulation and Civil Society in Asia, Routledge, 2003.

OWEN THOMAS, A., Imagi-Nations and Borderless Television: Media, Culture and Politics Across Asia, SAGE Publications India, 2005

WHITE, J.D., Global Media: The Television Revolution in Asia, Routledge, 2003


JEONGMEE, K., Reading Asian Television Drama: Crossing Borders and Breaking Boundaries, I.B.Tauris, 2013


KI-SUNG KWAK, Television in Transition in East Asia, Routledge, 2018

TAY J., TURNER, G., (Eds.), Television Histories in Asia: Issues and Contexts, Routledge, 2015.

CN - Chine

ID - Indonésie

IN - Inde

HARINDRANATH, R., Audience-Citizens: The Media, Public Knowledge, and Interpretive Practice, Sage, 2009.


MITRA, A., Television and Popular Culture in India. A study of the Mahabrarat, Sage, London, 1993.

JP - Japon

AGATA , K., NAKAMURA, K., (eds.) Convergence of Telecommunications and Broadcasting in Japan, United Kingdom and Germany: Technological Change, Public Policy and Market Structure, Routledge, 2001

HISATERU, F., Broadcasting in Japan. The Twentieth Century Journey from Radio to Multimedia, NHK, 2002

ITO, M., Broadcasting in Japan: Case-studies on Broadcasting Systems, Routledge, 2011

KRAUSS E.S.Broadcasting Politics in Japan: NHK and Television News, Cornell University Press, 2000

NHK Hōsō Bunka Kenkyūjo, Broadcasting in Japan: A Historical Review, NHK, 1963

NHK Hōsō Bunka Kenkyūjo, The History of Broadcasting in Japan, Nippon Hōsō Kyōkai, 1967

ROQUET, P., Ambient Media: Japanese Atmospheres of Self, University of Minnesota Press, 2016.

YASAR, K., Electrified Voices: How the Telephone, Phonograph, and Radio Shaped Modern Japan, 1868–1945Columbia University Press, 2018.

YUTAKA Iida, Histoire de la télévision au Japon (en japonais, 2016.

KO - Corée du Nord


Kyu Ho Youm, Nojin Kwak, Korean Communication, Media, and Culture: An Annotated BibliographyLexington Books, 2018.


SG - Singapour

HEIDT, E.U. Television in Singapore. An Analysis of a Week's Viewing, Iseas Publishing, 1981

TL - Timor Leste

MARQUES R., Timor-Leste: O Agendamento Mediático, Porto Editora,  2006 

TW - Taiwan

RAWNSLEY G.D., RAWSLEY M.Y., Critical Security, Democratisation and Television in Taiwan, Routledge, 2001.



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