Histoire de la télévision en Croatie
Television and audiovisual media services in Croatia ( > Database MAVISE, European Audiovisual Observatory)
Legal information on the audiovisual industry in Croatia ( > Database MERLIN, European Audiovisual Observatory)
PERUSKO, Z. and CUVALO,A. "Comparing Socialist and Post-Socialist Television Culture. Fifty Years of Television in Croatia", View, Journal of Europen Television History and Culture, 3, jun. 2014.
PLENKOVIC M. und KUCIS V., "Das Rundfunksystem Kroatien" in HANS-BREDOW-INSTITUT, Internationales Handbuch für Hörfunk und Fernsehen 1998-1999, Nomos Verlag, Baden-Baden, 1998.
PLENKOVIC M. und KUCIS V., "Das Rundfunksystem Kroatien" in HANS-BREDOW-INSTITUT, Internationales Handbuch für Hörfunk und Fernsehen 2000-2001, Nomos Verlag, Baden-Baden, 1998.
THOMPSON, M., Forging War: The Media in Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Hercegovina, University of Luton Press, Luton, 2nd edition : 1999.
IPSOS PULS, Analiza TV tržišta, Agencija za elektroničke medije, AEM, 2013