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"The diaphote",
The Globe, 30 April 1880
Le journal londonien The Globe se fait lui aussi l'écho du canular du diaphote lancé par Licks/Merriman, mais il l'identifie comme tel.
"(...) Meanwhile we must accept it with a grain of salt. For all its undoubted prodigies of invention America is the land of sham discoveris and bogus engines; and it is our own mounrful experience that New York papers are - welle, not quite immaculate in their verity. It is much easier to fabricate a fraudulent imitation of an invention, or concoct an account of it, with a big sensation heading yhan to do the real thing".
(Cité in R.W. BURNS, Television. An international history of the formative years, IEE, London, 1998, p.59).
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