Violence dans les médias - Représentation de la justice
Voir également :
COHEN, S. and YOUNG, J., The Manufacture of News: Deviance, Social Problems and the Mass Media, Constable, London, 1973.
GERBNER, G., "Cultural indicators: The case of violence in television drama", in Annals of the American Association of Political and Social Science, vol. 338, 1978, pp.10-29.
KOK, W., Geweld op de televisie : een drietal aspecten, Wolters-Noordhoff, 1972
GUNTER B., Violence on Television. What the Viewers Think, John Libbey, London, 1988.
SINGER, J.L. and SINGER, D.G., Television, Imagination and Aggression, Lawrence Erlbaum, Hillsdale, NJ, 1981.
SUMMER, C.,(ed.), Crime, Justice and the Mass Media, Cropwood Conference Series, n°14, Cambridge, 1982.
BERTHERAT, B., La mort de l'ennemi public numéro un ? Jacques Mesrine. Faits divers et médias audiovisuels, Coll. "Découvrir", Larousse, Paris, 1995.
CARLSSON, U. and VON FELITZEN, C., Children and Media Violence, Unesco International Clearinghouse on Children and Violence on the Screen, Göteborg, 1998.
FIRMSTONE, J., Discerning Eyes: View on Violence, University of Lutton Press, Lutton, 1999.
FRAU-MEIGS, JEHEL S., Les écrans de la violence, Economica, 1997.
FRYDMAN, M., Télévision et violence. Bilan + réponses aux questions des parents et éducateurs, EMPC/EMIS, Charleroi, 1993.
HILL, A., Natural Born Killer, Risk and Media Violence, University of Luton Press, Luton, 1999.
KIDD-HEWITT, D. and OSBORNE, R., Crime and the media. The post-modern spectacle, Pluto Press, London, 1995.
LACROIX, J.-M., Violence et télévision: autour de l'exemple canadien, Presses de la Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris, 1997.
MORISON, D.E. et al., Defining Violence: The Search for Understanding, University of Lutton Press, Lutton, 1999.
SPARKS, R., Television and the Drama of Crime, Open University Press, Buckingham, 1992.
THALER, P., The Watchful Eye : American Justice in the Age of Television, Praeger, Westport, 1994.
PINTO DA MOTA MATOS, Televisão e violência : ( para) novas formas de olhar, Almedina, 2006.
BEGIN, R., PERRON, B., ROY L., Figures de violence, Editions L'Harmattan, 2012
CHAMBAT-HOUILLON, M.F., LEBTAHI, Y.,(coordonné par) Télévision et justice, L'Harmattan, 2010.
LAMBERT P., Courting Publicity: Twitter and Television Cameras in Court, Bloomsbury Publishing, 2011.
LAMBERT, P., Television Courtroom Broadcasting: Distraction Effects and Eye-tracking, Intellect Books, 2012.
LAMBERT, P., Television Courtroom Broadcasting Effects: The Empirical Research and the Supreme Court Challenge, University Press of America, 2013.
RICHTER, A. Media in the Courtroom, IRIS Plus 2014-2, European Audiovisual Observatory, 2014. (=Les médias en salle d’audience, Observatoire européen de l'audiovisuel, 2014).