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Voir également 

  • Asie

GOLDEN N.D., Markets for American motion-picture equipment in Asia, Africa, and Oceania, US Department of Commerce, 1930.


LENT, J.A. The Asian Film Industry, University of Texas Press, 1990

UNESCO, (Presse, radio, cinéma, 1948: Birmanie, Inde, Fédération de Malaisie, Pakistan, Singapour), Unesco, 1948.

  • AU - Australie


RYAN M.D., GOLDSMITH, B. (Eds.),  Australian Screen in the 2000s, Palgrave Macmillan, 2017.

  • CN - Chine

CURTIN, M., Playing to the World’s Biggest Audience: The Globalization of Chinese Film and TV, University of California Press, 2007

ELLIOTT C., KONARA P., LING H., WANG C., WEI, Y. "Behind film performance in China’s changing institutional context: The impact of signals", Asia Pacific Journal of Management, March 2018, Volume 35, Issue 1, pp 63–95

KOKAS, A., Hollywood Made in China, University of California Press, 2017.

MPAA, The Economic Contribution of Film and Television in China in 2016, MPAA 2017

NORTH J.C., The Chinese motion picture market, Motion Picture Section of the Specialities Division; based on reports from overseas representatives of the Departments of State and Commerce. no. 467, 1926

YNG ZHU, ROSEN S., Art, Politics, and Commerce in Chinese Cinema, Hong Kong University Press, 2010.

  • IN - Inde 

GHOSH DASTDAR S., ELLIOTT C., "The Indian flm industry in a changing international market"Journal of Cultural Economics, 2019. 

GREEN A.M., "The Indian Cinematograph Industry", Journal of the Royal Society of Arts, Vol. 78, No. 4017 (NOVEMBER 15th, 1929), pp. 3-19

JAIN, N., SONEJA T., AHLUWALIA, J., Indywood. The Indian Film Industry, Deloitte, 2016. 

LORENZEN M., ARUN TAEUBE F., , "Breakout from Bollywood? Internationalization of Indian Film Industry", Danish Research Unit for Industrial Dynamics, 2007.

Report Of The Indian Cinematograph Committee 1927 1928, 1928.

TOEPLITZ J., Les Films indiens et les publics occidentaux, Unesco, 1964.

  • JP - Japon

BARONCELLI, J. de, "The Japanese film industry", in BRANDON, J.R., The Performing arts in Asia, Unesco, 1971.

KAWAKITA, K., "Japanese film exhibits abroad", in BRANDON, J.R., The Performing arts in Asia, Unesco, 1971.

  • KO - Corée du Sud

Kim, E. M. . "Market competition and cultural tensions between Hollywood and theKorean film industry.", International Journal on Media Management, 6 , (3-4), 2004, pp. 207-216.

Kyu Ho Youm, Nojin Kwak, Korean Communication, Media, and Culture: An Annotated BibliographyLexington Books, 2018.

  • NZ - Nouvelle Zélande

KNUCKEY P., Movie-going in New Zealand, 1950-1980Thesis, Massey University, Manawatū, New Zealand, 2017.

  • PH - Philippines

KHO LIM, M., Philippine Cinema and the Cultural Economy of Distribution, Palgrave Macmillan, 2019.

PINGA B.J., "The Cinema in the Philippines", in BRANDON, J.R., The Performing arts in Asia, Unesco, 1971.

PASADILLA G., LANTIN Jr. A.M., "Audiovisual Services Sector: Can the Philippines Follow "Bollywood?", Philippine Institute for Development Studies, Discussion Paper, 2005.

  • PK - Pakistan

KABIR, A., "A Study of the Pakistani Cinema", in BRANDON, J.R., The Performing arts in Asia, Unesco, 1971.

Site "Histoire de la téléision" (André Lange)
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