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Voir également 


  • Amérique latine


CANEDO, D., Todos contra Hollywood? Políticas, Redes e Fluxos do Espaço cinematográfico do Mercosul e a Cooperação com a União Europeia (Is everybody against Hollywood? Policies, Networks and Film Flows of the Mercosur Film Space and the Cooperation with European Union), Tesis, Universidade de Bahia, 2013.


D'LUGO, M., LOPEZ,A.M., PODALSKY, L. (eds.), The Routledge Companion to Latin American Cinema, Routledge, 2017.


DENISSON, S.,(ed.),  Contemporary Hispanic Cinema: Interrogating the Transnational in Spanish and Latin American Film, Tamesis Books, 2013​


La France et les cinéma d'Amérique latine, Caravelel. Revue du monde hispanique et luso-brésilien, n.83, Presses universitaires du Mirail, 2004.


GOLDEN N.D., Latin American and Canadian markets for American motion-picture equipment, US Department of Commerce, 1929.


GOLDEN N.D., Motion picture markets of Latin America, Motion picture producers & distributors of America, inc., 1944​


UNESCO, (Presse, radio, cinéma, 1948: Cuba, République dominicaine, Equateur, Haiti, Honduras, Mexique, Pérou, Uruguay, Vénézuela), Unesco, 1948.





  • AR - Argentine


FINKIELMAN, J., The Film Industry in Argentina, An Illustrated Cultural History, McFarland, 2004.




  • BR - Brésil


IKEDA M., Cinema brasileiro a partir da retomada: Aspectos econômicos e políticosSummus Editorial, 2015


JONHSON, R., The Film Industry in Brazil : Culture and the State, University of Pittsburgh Press, 1987.




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