Arts médiatiques, art vidéo, arts numériques
Voir également :
ADAMS, R. GIBSON, S., MÜLLER ARISONA, S., (eds.), Transdisciplinary Digital Art: Sound, Vision and the New Screen, Springer, 2008.
AMERIKA, M., META/DATA. Digital Poetics, MIT Press, 2009.
AMMANN, K., Video ausstellen: Potenziale der Präsentation, Peter Lang, 2009.
ARNS, I. Netzkulturen, Europäische Verlagsanstalt, 2002
ASCOTT, R., Telematic Embrace: Visionary Theories of Art, Technology, and Consciousness. Edited and with an essay by Edward A. Shanken, University of California Press, 2003.
BALPE J.P. (dir.), L'art et le numérique, Hermès, 2000
BALPE, J.P., Contextes de l'art numérique, Hermès, 2000.
BALPE, J.P., DE BARROS M., L'art a-t-il besoin du numérique ?, Hermès, 2006.
BAUMGARTEL, T., 2.0 : New Materials Towards Net Art, Vrerlag für Moderne Kunst, 2001.
BEDDARD H., DODDS D., Digital Pioneers. V&A Publishing, 2009.
BENNETT, J., T_Visionarium. A User's Guide, University of New South Wales Press, 2008.
BENTKOWSKA-KAFEL, A., CASHDEN, T., GARDINER H., Digital Art History: A Subject in Transition, Intellect Book, 2005.
BIEMANN U. (ed.), Stuff It, The Video Essay in the Digital Age, Springer, 2003.
BOLTER J.D., GROMALA, D., Windows and Mirrors: Interaction Design, Digital Art, and the Myth of Transparency, MIT Press, 2005
BORDINI, S., L'arte elettronica. Metamorfosi e metafore, Commune di Ferrara, 2001.
BORDINI S., Arte elettronica, Giunti Editore, 2004.
BORGMAN, H., Digital Dreams: Exploring the Computer as an Art Medium, Xlibris, 2004.
BOWEN, T., Using Computers to Create Art: Implications for Artists and Art Educators, E. Mellen Press, 2006.
BROECKMANN, A., FRIELING, H. Frieling (Hg.), Bandbreite. Medien zwischen Kunst und Politik, Kadmos-Verlag, 2004
BROWN P. et al. (eds.), White Heat Cold Logic. British Computer Art 1960–1980, MIT Press, 2009.
BUCI GLUCKSMANN, C., La Folie du voir. Une esthétique du virtuel, Galilée, 2002
BURDA STENGEL, F., Andrea Pozzo et l'art vidéo, Isthme, 2007.
CANDY, L, EDMOND, E., Explorations in Art and Technology, Springer, 2002. 2nd edition 2018
CARGIOLI, S., (a cura di), Le arte del video, Sguardi d’autore fra pittura, fotografia, cinema e nuove tecnologie, Edizioni ETS, 2003.
CHANDLER, A., NEUMARK, N. (eds.), At a Distance: Precursors to Art and Activism on the Internet, MIT Press, 2005.
COMER S. (ed.), Film and Video Art, Tate Publishing, 2009.
COSTA, M., Internet et globalisation esthétique : L'avenir de l'art et de la philosophie à l'époque des réseaux, L'Harmattan, 2003.
COUCHOT, E., La Technologie dans l'art : De la photographie à la réalité virtuelle, Editions Jacqueline Chambon, 2002.
COUCHOT, E., HILLAIRE N., L'art numérique. Comment la technologie vient au monde de l'art, Flammarion, 2009.
CUBITT, S., Timeshift: On Video Culture, Taylor & Francis, 2004
DANIELS D., Kunst als Sendung – Von der Telegrafie zum Internet, Beck, 2002
DANIELS D., Vom Ready-Made zum Cyberspace – Kunst/Medien Interferenzen, Cantz, 2003
DEOTTE, J.-L. (dir.), Le milieu des appareils, L'Harmattan, 2008.
DE MEREDIEU F. (dir.), Arts et Nouvelles technologies, Larousse, 2003. NOuvelle édition 2011.
DIAMOND, S. et al., Making Video 'In' : the contested ground of alternative video on the West Coast, Video in, 2000.
DIOUF L., VINCENT A., WORMS A.C., Les arts numériques, Dossiers du CRISP, 2013/1.
DIXON, S., Digital Performance: A History of New Media in Theater, Dance, Performance Art, and Installation, MIT Press, 2007.
DUFOUR S.I., L'image vidéo : D'Ovide à Bill Viola, Archibooks, 2008.
DUGUET A.M., Déjouer l'image: créations électroniques et numériques, J. Chambon, 2002.
ELWES, C., Video Art, A Guided Tour: A Guided Tour, I.B.Tauris, 2005
FARMER J.A., The New Frontier, Art and Television 1960-65, Austin Museum of Art, 2000.
FOREST, F., De l'art vidéo au Net Art, L'Harmattan, 2004
FOREST F., Art et Internet, Ed. Du Cercle d'Art, 2008
FOULON, P.-J., VANDEN BENDEM, Y., (dir.), Art Vidéo: Commentaires, Presses universitaires de Namur, 2004.
FRIELING, R., DANIELS D., Media art action: The 1980s and 1990s in Germany, 2 B., Springer, 2000.
FRIELING, R., DANIELS. D., (eds.), Media Art Net 1: Survey of Media Art, Springer, 2004.
FRIELING, R., DANIELS. D., (eds.), Media Art Net 2: Key Topics, Springer, 2005.
FRIELING R., HERZOGENRATH, W., Digitales Erbe: Videokunst in Deutschland von 1963 bis heute, Hatje Cantz Verlag, 2006
FULLER, M, Media Ecologies: Materialist Energies in Art and Technoculture, MIT Press, 2005.
GIANNETTI C., Estética digital: Sintopía del arte, la ciencia y la tecnología, ACC L’Angelot, 2002.
GIANNETTI, C., Ästhetiken des Digitalen – Ein intermediärer Beitrag zu Wissenschaft, Medien- und Kunstsystemen. Hrsg. von Peter Weibel/ ZKM Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie Karlsruhe / Springer, 2004.
GIANNETTI, C., (ed.), El discreto encanto de la tecnología / The Discreet Charm of Technology. Artes en España / Arts in Spain, ZKM, 2008.
GLEICH M., SHAW J., (Hg.), Web of Life. The Web of Life Project. Linking Art and Science, ZKM, 2004
GRAU, O., Virtuelle Kunst in Geschichte und Gegenwart: visuelle Strategien, Reiner, 2001.
GRAU O., Virtual Art. From Illusion to Immersion, The MIT Press, 2004.
GREENE, R., Internet Art, Thames & Hudson, 2004. (= L'Art Internet, Thames & Hudson, 2005).
KOZEL, S., Closer: performance, technologies, phenomenology, MIT Press, 2008.
KUSPIT, D., et al. Arte digital y videoarte. Transgrediendo los limites de la representacion, Circulo de los Bellas Artes, 2006.
HATFIELD, J., Experimental Film and Video: An Anthology, John Libbey Publishing, 2006.
HEMKEN, K.U., Traditionen digitaler Ästhetik, DuMont, 2000
HERNANDEZ GARCIA, I., Estética, ciencia y tecnología: creaciones electrónicas y numéricas, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, 2005
JAVAULT P. , HECK, G., (dir.), Vidéo Topiques, Les Musées de Strasbourg, 2002.
KAYE N., Multi-Media: Video, Installation, Performance, Routledge, 2007.
KELMAN, N., Jeux vidéo : L'art du XXIe siècle, Editions Assouline, 2005.
KRAUS, C., Video Green. Los Angeles Art and the Triumph of Nothingness, MIT Press 2004.
LA FERLA J., De la pantalla al arte transgénico, Universidad de Buenos Aires, 2000
LA FERLA, J., (ed.), Cine, video y multimedia : la ruptura de lo audiovisual, Libros del Rojas, 2001.
LA FERLA J., El medio es el diseño audiovisual, Editorial Universidad de Caldas, 2007
LA FERLA, J., Artes y medios audiovisuales, , un estado de situación: documental, cine, vídeo, tv, telemática, nuevos medios, Aurelia Rivera, 2007
LA FERLA J., (comp.), Prácticas mediáticas predigitales y postanalógicas, Facultad de Comunicación Social, Buenos Aires: Nueva Librería, 2008
LA FERLA J.,(ed.) Historia crítica del video argentino, MALBA, Museo de Arte Latinoamericano de Buenos Aires/EFT, Espacio Fundación Telefónica, Buenos Aires, 2008
LIESER, W.. Digital Art, Ullmann Publishing, 2009
LISCHI, S., Cine ma video, Edizioni ETS, 2000.
LISCHI S., Visioni Elettroniche, L’oltre del cinema e l’arte del video, Biblioteca di Bianco & Nero, 2001
LISCHKA, G.J., WEIBEL, P., (Hg.), Die Medien der Kunst. Die Kunst der Medien, Benteli, 2004.
LOPEZ S., A Short History of Dutch Video Art, Gate Foundation episode publishers, 2005.
LOVEJOY, M., Digital Currents: Art in the Electronic Age, Routledge, 2004.
MACHADO, A. . El paisaje mediático: sobre el desafío de las poéticas tecnológicas, Universidad de Buenos Aires, 2000
MALLOY, C. (ed.), Women, Art, and Technology, MIT Press, 2003.
MANASSEH, C., The Problematic of Video Art in the Museum, 1968-1990, Cambria Press, 2009.
MANGOLD M., WEIBEL, P., WOLETZ, J. (Hg)., Vom Betrachter zum Gestalter. Neue Medien in Museen. Strategien, Beispiele und Perspektiven für die Bildung, Nomos / ZKM, 2007
MANOVICH L., "Post-media Aesthetics", 2001, (= "Une esthétique post-média", Appareil, 18/2017)
MANOVICH, L., "Ten Key Texts on Digital Art: 1970-2000", Leonardo - Volume 35, Number 5], October 2002, p. 567-569
MARKS L..U., Touch: Sensuous Theory and Multisensory Media, University of Minnesota Press, 2002
MARTIN, S., Video Art, Taschen, 2006.
MARTINEZ P., Vídeo: el principio. Cuaderno didactico, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, 2006.
MASON, C., A Computer in the Art Room: The Origins of British Computer Arts 1950-80 JJG, 2008.
MATTIS, O. et al., Visual Music: Synaesthesia in Art and Music Since 1900, Thames & Hudson, 2005.
Mc IVER LOPES, D., A Philosophy of Computer Art, Routledge, 2009.
MEIGH-ANDREWS, C., A History of Video Art, Bloomsbury, 2006, 2nd edition, 2014.
MERCIER M., Le temps à l'oeuvre, F(r)ictions, Editions Incidences et les Instants Vidéo, 2006.
MOISDON S., VAN ASSCHE C., Qu'est-ce-que l'art vidéo aujourd'hui?, Beaux Arts Editions, 2008.
MORRIS,J., Can Computers Create Art?, Atropos Press, 2009.
NALVEN, J., JARVIS, J.D., Going Digital: The Practice and Vision of Digital Artists, Thomson Course Technology PTR, 2005
PAINI, D., Le cinéma exposé. Le cinéma de la salle au musée, Les Cahiers du cinéma, 2002.
PARFAIT, F., Vidéo : un art contemporain, Editions du Regard, 2001.
PERSONS, T., Nuevas historias a new view of spanish photography and video art, Hatje Cantz, 2009.
PHILIPS C., Heavy light ; recent photography and video art Japan, Steidl, 2008.
PHILIPS, G. (ed.), California Video: Artists and Histories, The Getty research Institute / The J. Paul Getty Museum, 2008
Poetroniche: video e cinema oltre : exhibition of video and cinema beyond, Mimesis, 2007.
POISSANT, L., ddir.), Interfaces et sensorialité, Presses universitaires du Québec, 2003.
POPPER, F., From Technological to Virtual Art, MIT Press, 2007.
POPPER F., Ecrire sur l'art: De l'art optique à l'art virtuel, L'Harmattan, 2007.
REINKE S., TAYLOR (ed.), LUX: A Decade of Artists Film and Video. XYZ Books, 2000.
RICARDO, F.J. (ed.), Literary Art in Digital Performance: Case Studies in New Media Art and Criticism, Bloomsbury Publishing USA, 2009
RIESER M, ZAPP, A. (eds.), New Screen Media, Cinema. Art. Narrative, BFI, 2002.
ROMAN, M., Art vidéo et mise en scène de soi: Essai, L'Harmattan, 2008.
RUSH M., Les Nouveaux Médias dans l'art, Thames & Hudson, 2004
RUSH M., L'art vidéo, Thames & Hudson, 2007.
RYAN M.L., Narrative as Virtual Reality: Immersion and Interactivity in Literature and Electronic Media, John Hopkins University, 2001.
SANTAELLA, L., Culturas e Artes do Pós-Humano - Da Cultura das Mídias à Cibercultura, Paulus, 2003.
SOMERER C., MIGNONNEAU L., KING D., (eds.), Interface Cultures. Artistic Aspects of Intearction, transcript Verlag 2008.
SPIGEL, L., TV by Design: Modern Art and the Rise of Network Television, University of Chicago Press, 2008
THELY, N., Corps, art vidéo et numérique, Screen / Centre national de documentation pédagogique, 2005
THOREL, B., L’art contemporain et la télévision, Editions Cercle d’Art, 2006
TOMAS D., Beyond The Image Machine: A History of Visual Technologies, Bloomsbury Academic, 2004.
TRIBE, M,, JANA R., New Media Art, Taschen, 2009.
TUER, D., Mining the Media Archive: Essays on Art, Technology, and Cultural Resistance, YYZ Books, 2005.
TUMARKIN GOODMAN, S., Dateline : Israel: New Photography and Video Art, Yale University Press, 2007
VALENTINI V., Le Pratiche del video, Bulzoni Editore, 2003.
VASULKA, W., WEIBEL P. (eds.), Buffalo Heads. Media Study. Media Practice. Media Pioneers.1973–1990, MIT Press, 2008.
"Video : Vintage and Current", Millenium Film Journal, n.42, Fall 2004.
WANDS, B., Art of the Digital Age, Thames & Hudson, 2007 (= L'art à l'ère du numérique, Thames & Hudson, 2007)
WARDRIP-FRUIN, N., Expressive Processing: Digital Fictions, Computer Games, and Software Studies, MIT Press, 2009.
WEIBEL, P. DRUCKREY T. (eds.) Net_condition. Art and Global Media
WEIBEL, P., Gamma und Amplitude. Medien- und kunsttheoretische Schriften, Philo & Philo Fine Arts, 2004
WILSON, S., Information Arts: Intersections of Art, Science, and Technology, MIT Press, 2001
WOOLMAN, M., Sonic Graphics - Quand le son devient image, Thames & Hudson, 2000.
WORMS A.-C., Arts numériques : tendances, artistes, lieux et festivals, M21 Éditions, 2008
ALEXENBERG, M., The Future of Art in a Postdigital Age. From Hellenistic to Hebraic Consciousness, Intellect, 2011.
ALMIRON, M., JACOPIN, E., PISANO, G., (dir.) Stéréoscopie et illusion, Archéologie et pratiques contemporaines : photographie, cinéma, arts numériques, Presses universitaires du Septentrion, 2018.
AMADUCCI, A., Videoarte: Storia, autori, linguaggi, Edizioni Kaplan, 2018.
Art et médium 2 : les média dans l'art, Appareil, 18/2017.
L'art dans le tout numérique, Appareil, 15/2015.
L'art vidéo, Ligeia, 2014/2/
AZIOSMANOFF, F., Living Art, l'art numérique, CNRS Editions, 2010.
BALSOM, E., After Uniqueness: A History of Film and Video Art in Circulation, Columbia University Press, 2017.
BARTSCHERER, T., COOVER R.,(eds.), Switching Codes: Thinking Through New Technology in the Humanities and the Arts, University of Chicago Press, 2010
BAUMAN, D., Recent histories : Contemporary african photography and video art. The Walther Collection, Steidl Verlag, 2017.
BAY-CHENG, S., PARKER-STARBUCK, J., SALTZ, D.Z., Performance and Media: Taxonomies for a Changing Field, University of Michigan Press, 2015.
BERGER M., Revolution of the Eye: Modern Art and the Birth of American Television, Yale University Press, 2014
BERGER; R. L'art vidéo et autres essais, 1971-1997 sous la direction de François Bovier et Adeena Mey, Les Presses du Réel / JRP Ringier / ECAL, École cantonale d'art de Lausanne, 2014.
BLASE C., WEIBEL, P. (eds), Record Again!, 40 Jahre Teil 2, Hatje Cantz, 2010
BOVIER, F., Early Video Art and Experimental Films Networks, Les Presses du Réel, 2017.
BUBB, M., Philosophie et art numérique ; un monde extraterrestre, L'Harmattan, 2015.
CARDENAS, C., Collectionner l'art vidéo et digital, Les Presses du Réel, 2015.
CATRICALA, V., LEUZZI, L., "Cronologia della videoarte italiana", in GAZZANO, M.M., KINEMA. Il cinema sulle tracce del cinema. Dal film alle arti elettroniche andata e ritorno, Exorma, 2013.
CONNOLY, M., TV Museum: Contemporary Art and the Age of Television, Intellect, 2014
CORBY, T., Network Art: Practices and Positions, Routledge, 2013.
CROWTHER, P., Digital Art, Aesthetic Creation: The Birth of a Medium, Routledge, 2018.
CRWOTHER, P., Geneses of Postmodern Art: Technology As Iconology, Routledge, 2019.
CUBITT, S., PARTRIDGE, S., (Eds.) Rewind: British Artists' Video in the 1970s & 1980s, John Libbey Publishing, 2012.
CUBITT, S., THOMAS P.,(eds.) Relive Media Art Histories, MIT Press, 2013.
CULLER, J.N., From television signal to magnetic strip: An archaeology of experimental television and video knowledge, State University of New York at Binghamton, ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, 2011
DARYOUSH, L., GUEGUIN, D., L'art vidéo à l'opéra dans l'oeuvre de Krzysztof Warlikowski, Alternatives théâtrales / Opéra national de Paris, 2016
DE BARROS, M. Magie et Technologie, Editions UV, 2017.
DEKKER, A., Collecting and Conserving Net Art: Moving beyond Conventional Methods, Routledge, 2018.
DELAUNOIS, A., CAP à Liège, Yellow Now / Centre wallon d’art contemporain « La Châtaigneraie », 2015.
Digital Art Works. The Challenges of Conversation, ZKM, 2011.
DIXON, S. Digital Performance. A History of New Media in Theater, Dance, Performance Art, and Installation, MIT Press, 2015.
DUBOIS, P., La question vidéo: entre cinéma et art contemporain, Yellow Now, 2012.
DUPLA-BICAIS J., La vidéo dans l'art, Editions Publibook, 2018
ELWES, C., Installation and the Moving Image, Columbia University Press, 2015
FARGIER, J.P., Ciné et TV vont en vidéo : avis de tempête, de l'Incidence éd., 2010
FARGIER, J.P., Tivi ou tivi pas ? Si tivi pas, tant pis !. Préface d'Alain Bourges, Editions acharnistes, 2010.
GOLDBERG, I., Installations, CNRS Editions, 2014.
GRAHAM, B., Rethinking Curating - Art After New Media, MIT Press, 2015.
GRAU., O., MediaArtHistories, MIT Press, 2010.
GRAU, O. (ed.), Imagery in the 21st Century, MIT Press, 2011.
GRONLUND, M, Contemporary Art and Digital Culture, Routledge, 2017
GUELTON, B. (dir.), Les figures de l'immersion, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2014.
GUELTON, B., (dir.), Les arts visuels, le web et la fiction, Publications de la Sorbonne, 2009
HARBISON, I., Performing Images, MIT Press, 2019.
HAUSKEN, L., (ed.), Thinking Media Aesthetics. Media Studies, Film Studies and the Arts, Peter Lang, 2007.
HEDLIN HAYDEN, H., Video Art Historicized. Traditions and Negotiations, Routledge, 2015.
HEGARTY, P., Rumour and Radiation: Sound in Video Art, Bloomsbury Publishing USA, 2014.
HENON, P., Une histoire française de l'animation numérique, Ensad, 2018.
HIGGINS, H., KAHN D., (eds.) Mainframe Experimentalism: Early Computing and the Foundations of the Digital Arts, University of California Press, 2014.
HIGH K., MILLER HOCKING S., JIMENEZ, M., The Emergence of Video Processing Tools: Television Becoming Unglued, 2 vol., Bristol: Intellect, 2014.
High Performance. Time-based Media Art since 1996, Distanz Verlag, 2014.
HILLAIRE, N., L'art dans le tout numérique, Editions Manucius, 2015.
JENNINGS, G.,(ed.) Abstract Video: The Moving Image in Contemporary Art, University of California Press, 2015.
JIHOON, K., Between Film, Video, and the Digital: Hybrid Moving Images in the Post-Media Age, Bloomsbury Publishing USA, 2016.
JONES, S., Synthetics. Aspects of Art and Technology in Australia, 1956–1975, MIT Press, 2011.
KAIZEN, W., Against Immediacy: Video Art and Media Populism, Dartmouth College Press, 2016.
KESSLER F., LARRUE J.M., PISANO G., Machines. Magie. Médias, Editions du Septentrion, 2018
KETNER II, J.D., Witness to Phenomenon: Group ZERO and the Development of New Media in Postwar European Art, Bloomsbury Publishing USA, 2017.
KHOLEIF, O. (ed.), Electronic Superhighway. From Experiments in Art and Technology to Art After the Internet, Whitechapel Gallery, 2016.
KINDER, M, McPHERSON, T. (eds.), Transmedia Frictions: The Digital, the Arts, and the Humanities, University of California Press, 2014.
KWASTEK, K., Aesthetics of Interaction in Digital Art, The MIT Press, 2013.
LADAGA, A, MANTEIGA, S., Moving Layers Contextual Video in Art and Architecture, Edilstampa, 2006 (in Italian), 2014 (in English).
LE MAITRE B., ABOUDAR B.N., Tout ce que le ciel permet en cinéma, photographie, peinture et video, Théorème, n.24, 2015.
LENNEP, J., Arts en relation, Yellow Now, 2012.
MARCHESCHI, E., Videoestetiche dell'emergenza: L'immagine della crisi nella sperimentazione audiovisiva, Kapla, 2018.
MARKS, L.U., Enfoldment and Infinity. An Islamic Genealogy of New Media Art, MIT Press, 2010.
MARKS L.U., Hanan al-Cinema. Affections for the Moving Image, MIT Press, 2015.
MEDOSCH A., New Tendencies: Art at the Threshold of the Information Revolution (1961 - 1978), MIT Press, 2016.
MOULON D., Art contemporain nouveaux médias, Nouvelles éditions Scala, 2011.
MOULON D., Art et numérique en résonance, Nouvelles Editions Scala, 2015.
MOULON D., L'art au-delà du digital, Nouvellles éditions Scala, 2018.
NEUMARK, N., GIBSON, R., VAN LEEUWEN, Th., VOICE: Vocal Aesthetics in Digital Arts and Media, MIT Press, 2010.
NOORDEGRAAF, J, SABA, C.G., LE MAITRE B., HEDIGER V., (eds.), Preserving and Exhibiting Media Art, Challenges and Perspectives, Amsterdam University Press, 2013.
PAUL C., (ed.) A Companion to Digital Art, John Wiley & Sons, 2016.
PAUL C., Digital Art, Thames & Hudson, 3rd edition 2015.
PAULSEN, K., Here/There: Telepresence, Touch, and Art at the Interface, MIT Press, 2017.
PELISSIER M., PELISSIER N., Métamorphoses numériques ; art, culture et communication, L'Harmattan, 2017.
PENNY, S., Making Sense: Cognition, Computing, Art, and Embodiment, MIT Press, 2017.
POISSANT, L., TREMBLAY P. (dir.), Esthétique des arts médiatiques. Ensemble ailleurs, Presses de l'Université du Québec, 2010.
PY, F.,De l'art cinétique à l'art numérique. Hommage à Frank Popper, L'Harmattan, 2017.
QUARANTA, D., Beyond Media Art,, 2014.
QUARANTA D., Holy Fire: Art of the Digital Age,, 2011.
RAN F., A History of Installation Art and the Development of New Art Forms: Technology and the Hermeneutics of Time and Space in Modern and Postmodern Art from Cubism to Installation, Peter Lang, 2009.
Recent histories, contemporary african photography and video art in the Walther Collection, Steidl, 2017.
RERAT, M., L'art vidéo au féminin: Emmanuelle Antille, Elodie Pong, Pipilotti Rist, Presses polytechniques et universitaires romandes, 2014.
RESPINI, E., (ed.), Art in the Age of the Internet: 1989 to Today, Yale University Press, 2018.
RINEHART, R., IPPOLITO, Re-collection Art, New Media, and Social Memory, MIT Press, 2014.
ROGERS, H., Sounding the Gallery: Video and the Rise of Art-Music, Oxford University Press, 2013.
ROMAN, M., Performance TV, Fondation nationale des Arts graphiques / Maison d'Art Bernard Anthonioz, 2018.
ROSEN M. (Hrsg.), A Little-Known Story About a Movement, a Magazine, and the Computer's Arrival in Art. New Tendencies and Bit International, 1961–1973, MIT Press, 2011.
RYAN M.L., Narrative as Virtual Reality 2: Revisiting Immersion and Interactivity in Literature and Electronic Media, Volume 2, John Hopkins University, 2015.
SALTER, C., Entangled: Technology and the Transformation of Performance, MIT Press, 2010.
SCHREUDER, C., Pixels and Places: Video Art in Public Space, NAi, 2010.
SEDANO, J.R., L'art interactif en jeu, Editions Ludicart, 2016.
SEREXHE, B. (dir.), Digital Art Conservation. Conservation d'art numérique: théorie et pratique. Ambra V, 2013.
SHANKEN E.A., Inventar el Futuro: Arte, Electricidad, Nuevos Medios, Departamento de Ficcion, 2013.
SHANKEN, E.A. (ed.), Art and Electronic Media, Phaidon, 2014.
SIMANOWSKI, R., Digital Art and Meaning: Reading Kinetic Poetry, Text Machines, Mapping Art, and Interactive Installations, University of Minnesota Press, 2011.
SPIELMANN, Y., Video The Reflexive Medium, MIT Press, 2010.
SPIELMANN, Y., Hybrid Culture. Japanese Media Arts in Dialogue with the West, MIT Press, 2012.
STAFF, C., Retroactivity and Contemporary Art, Bloomsbury, 2018.
SUI, C.W., KHAZINDAR, M., View from inside contemporary arab photography, video and mixed media art, Schilt, 2014.
TAYLOR, G.D., When the Machine Made Art: The Troubled History of Computer Art, Bloomsbury Academic, 2014.
Tensão & Conflito. Arte em video apos 2008 / Tension & Conflict. Art in video after 2008, MAAT, Fundação EDP, 2017.
THOMAS E., Art-vidéo et fictions du quotidien : "Sur les traces de Bob Santiano", "Oublier Zanzibar", "Disparitions",, L'Harmattan, 2015.
TRAINI, L., Neoludica Art and Videogames 1966-2011, Skira, 2012.
VAN ASSCHE C. (dir.) Vidéo Vintage. Éditions du Centre Pompidou, 2012.
VEYRAT M. 100 notions pour l'art numérique, Editions de l'immatériel, 2015.
VIPSJÖ, L., Den Digitala konstens aktörer. En studie av datorintegrering i svensk konstundervisning, Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis, 2005
WESTGEEST, H., Video Art Theory: A Comparative Approach, John Wiley & Sons, 2015
YERAN J. , JIHYE, K., Move on Asia. Video Art in Asia 2002 to 2012, Alt. Space Loop, 2012.
ZEID, J, Art et jeux vidéo, Palette, 2018.
Sites Internet