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Politique et économie du cinéma - US - Etats-Unis
2. Publications entre 2000 et 2019

Voir également Politique et économie du cinéma​








ABEL, R., ALTMAN R., (eds.), The Sounds of Early Cinema, Indiana University Press, 2001.


ABERDEEN, J.A., The Hollywood Renegades. The Society of Independent  Motion Pictures Producers, Cablestone Entertainment, 2000.


AUGROS, J.,  KISTOPANIDOU, K., L'économie du cinéma américain: Histoire d'une industrie culturelle et de ses stratégies, Armand Colin, 2009.


BAUMAN, S., Hollywood highbrow : from entertainment to art, Princeton University Press, 2007.


BERNSTEIN, M., Walter Wanger, Hollywood independent, First University of Minnessota, 2000.


BJORK, U.J. "The U.S. Commerce Department Aids Hollywood Exports, 1921-1933", The Historian, Vol. 62, No. 3 (SPRING 2000), pp. 575-587  (autre version in Proceedings of the American Journalism Historians' Association Conference (Roanoke, Virginia, October 6-8, 1994). Part II.)


BRUCKS, C., When Hollywood Had a King : The Reign of Lew Wasserman, Who Leveraged Talent into Power and Influence, Random House, 2004.


CHAN-OLMSTED S., CHA J., OBA G., "An Examination of the Host Country Factors Affecting the Export of U.S. Video Media Goods", Journal of Media Economics , Volume 21, 2008 - Issue 3, pp;191-216.


CONES, J.W., Dictionary of Film Finance and Distribution: A Guide for Independent Filmmakers, Marquette Books, 2008​


CORCORAN M., BERSTEIN A., Hollywood on Lake Michigan: 100+ Years of Chicago and the Movies, Chicago Review Press, 2013


COOK D.A. History of the American Cinema. 9. Lost Illusions : American Cinema in the Shadow of Watergate and Vietnam 1970-1979, University of California Press, 2002.


COUVARES F.G. (ed.), Movie Censorship and American Culture, University of Massachussets, Press, 2nd edition, 2006.


CUCCO M "The promise is great: The blockbuster and the Hollywood economy".Media,Culture and Society, 31(2), 2009pp.215–230.


DANIELS, B., LEEDY D., SILLS, L.D.,  Movie Money: Understanding Hollywood's (Creative) Accounting Practices, 2nd edition revised, Silman-James Press, 2006.


DE VANY, A., Hollywood Economics: How Extreme Uncertainty Shapes the Film Industry. Routledge, 2004.


DEUCHERT, E., ADJAMAH K., PAULY F., "For Oscar Glory or Oscar Money ?", Journal of Cultural Economics, Vol. 29, No. 3 (August 2005), pp. 159-176


DOHERTY, T., Hollywood's Censor. Joseph I. Breen & the Production Code Administration, Columbia University Press, 2007.​


EINAV, L. "Seasonality in the U.S. motion picture industry",  The Rand Journal of Economics; Spring 2007; 38, 1, pp.127-145.


EINAV, L., RAVID S.A."Stock market response to changes in movies’ opening dates". Journal of Cultural Economics, 33, (4), 2009, pp. 311-319


ELBERSE A., ELIASHBERG J., "Demand and supply dynamics for sequentially releasedproducts in international markets: The case of motion pictures", Marketing Science,22 (3), 2003, pp.329-354


ELIASHBERG J. et al., "Demand-driven scheduling of movies in a multiplex", International Journal of Research in Marketing 26 (2009) pp. 75–88


ELIASHBERG J., ELBERSE A., LEENDERS M.A.A.M., "The Motion Picture Industry. Critical Issues in Practice, Current Research & New Research Directions", â€‹Marketing Science 25(6), November 2006, pp. 638-661


Film Industry Profile of California/Los Angeles County, Economic Information & Research Department Los Angeles County Economic Development Corp.​, 2005.


GOMERY D., The Hollywood studio system: a history, BFI, 2005.


GOMERY D., The Coming of Sound, Routledge, 2005.


GRIEVESON L., Policing Cinema, University of California Press, 2004.


HAYES D., BING J., Open wide : how Hollywood box office became a national obsession, Hyperion, 2004.


HORNE, G., Class Struggle in Hollywood 1930-1950 : Moguls, Mobsters, Stars, reds and Trade Unionists, University of Texas Press, 2001.


JEWELL R.B., The Golden Age of Cinema : 1929-1945, Blackwell, 2007.


KELLNER, D., Cinema Wars: Hollywood Film and Politics in the Bush-Cheney EraJohn Wiley & Sons, 2009.


KEMPER, T., Hidden talent: the emergence of Hollywood agents, University of California Press, 2009


KITSOPANIDOU, K., L'innovation technologique dans l'industrie cinématographique hollywoodienne. Le cinéma-spectacle des années 1950 : une mise en perspective des stratégies liées à l'Eldophor et au Cinémascope, Thèse de doctorat, Université Paris-III Sorbonne-Nouvelle, 2002.


LEFF L., SIMMONS J.L., The Dame in the Kimono : Hollywood, Censorship and the Production Code from the 1920s to the 1960s, University Press of Kentucky, 2001.


LEV P., History of American Cinema 7, The Fifties Transforming the Screen, 1950-1959, University of California Press, 2003.


LEWIS, J., Hollywood v. Hard Core : How the Struggle over Censorship save the Motion Film Industry, New York University Press, 2002.


LITWAK, M.,  Risky business : financing & distributing independent films, Silman-James Press, 2004.


MALTBY, R. Hollywood Cinema, Wiley-Blackwell, 1995; 2nd edition, Wiley-Blackwell, 2003.


McCARTHY, T., Howard Hawks : the Grey Fox of Hollywood, Grove Press, 2000.


McDONALD P., The Star System : Hollywood's Production of Popular Identities, Wallflower Press, 2000.


McDONALD P., WASKO J. (Eds.), The Contemporary Hollywood Film Industry, Blackwell, 2008.


MILLER T. et al., Global Hollywood 2, BFI, London, 2005


MINGANT N., Les stratégies d'exportation du cinéma hollywoodien (1966-2004), Thèse de doctorat, Université de Paris-X, 2008.


MINGANT N., "La Motion Picture Export Association de Jack Valenti (1966-2004), corps diplomatique des majors hollywoodiennes à l'étranger", Revue française d’études américaines 2009/3 (n° 121), pp. 102-114


MONACO J., History of the American Cinema 8. The sixties, 1960-1969, University of California Press, 2001.




PARISH, J.R., Fiasco : a history of Hollywood's iconic flops, John Wiley, 2006.


PECHA L., La censure cinématographique aux Etats-Unis, Dixit, 2000.


POKORNY M. and SEDGWICK J., "Stardom and the Profitability of Film Making : Warner Bros in the 1930s", Journal of Cultural Economics, 25, 2001, pp.157-184 .


PRIGGE , S., Movie Moguls Speak: Interviews with Top Film Producers, McFarland, 2004


PRINCE S., History of the American Cinema 10. A New Pot of Gold : Hollywood Under the Electric Rainbow, 1980-1989, University of California Press, 2002.


QUINN M.J., "Distribution, the Transient Audience, and the Transition to the Feature Film", Cinema Journal, 40, n°2, Winter 2001, pp.35-56.


Report to the Legislature on the Motion Picture Industry in California, Prepared by The Employment Development Department Workforce Development Branch Labor Market Information Division, June 2005.


SANCHEZ-RUIZ, E.E., "Hollywood y su hegemonía planetaria: una aproximación histórico-estructural", Revista Universidad de Guadalajara, 2003.


SCOTT, A., "A New Map of Hollywood: the Production and Distribution of American Motion Pictures", Regional Studies, 2002.


SEDWICK, G., POKORNY, M., "The film business in the United States and Britain during the 1930s", The Economic History Review, 2005


SEDGWICK J., POKORNY M., (eds.), An Economic History of Film, Routledge, 2005


SEGRAVE, K., Foreign Films in America: A History, McFarland, 2004.


SILVESTER C. (ed.), The Grove Book of Hollywood, Grove Press, 2000.


SLIDE A., Banned in the USA : British Films in the United States and their censorship, 1933-1960, IB Tauris, 1998.


SLIDE A., The New Historical Dictionary of the American Film Industry, Routledge, 1998.


SMOODIN E., ANN, M. (eds.), Hollywood Quarterly: Film Culture in Postwar America, 1945-1957. Berkeley:  University of California,  2002.


SOLOMON, A., Twentieth Century-Fox: A Corporate and Financial History, Rowman & Littlefield, 2002


SQUIRE, J. (ed.), The Movie Business Book,  Fireside, 3rd edn. 2003.


THOMPSON K., Herr Lubitsch Comes to Hollywood. German and American Film after World War I, Amsterdam University Press, 2005.


TRUMPBOUR, J., Selling Hollywood to the World: US and European Struggles for Mastery of the Global Film Industry, 1920-1950, Cambridge University Press,  2007


ULFF-MOLLER J.,  Hollywood’s “Film Wars” with France: Film-Trade Diplomacy and the Emergence of a French Film Quota Policy. University of Rochester Press, 2001


VAUGHN, S., Freedom and entertainment : rating the movies in an age of new media, Cambridge University Press, 2006.


WASKO, J., How Hollywood Works, Sage, 2003.


WATERMAN, D., Hollywood's Road to Riches, Harvard University Press,  2009​


WILINSKY, B., Sure seaters : the emergence of art house cinema, University of Minnesota Press, 2001.


WYATT, J., "High Concept and Market Research. Movie Making by the Numbers", in TURNER G., (ed.) The Film Cultures Reader, Routledge, 2002, pp.382-389




AFRA, K., The Hollywood Trust: Trade Associations and the Rise of the Studio SystemRowman & Littlefield, 2016. (Recension critique par F. Cavé, 1895, 85/2018.)


AUGROS, J.,  KISTOPANIDOU, K.,, Une histoire du cinéma américain: stratégies, révolutions et mutations au XXe siècle, Armand Colin, 2016


AUGROS J., "Reconquérir le public, le défi de l’exploitation cinématographique aux États-Unis et au Canada", Cinémas, Volume 27, Numéro 2–3–Printemps 2017, p. 71–89



BLANCHET A., Des pixels à Hollywood. Cinéma et jeu vidéo. Une histoire économique et culturelle, Pix n'Love Editions, 2010.


BLOCK, A.B., WILSON L.A., George Lucas's blockbusting : a decade-by-decade survey of timeless movies including untold secrets of their financial and cultural success, Harper Collins, 2010.


BROWN, N., Hollywood, the Family Audience and the Family Film, 1930-2010, Thesis, Newcastle University, 1910.


CABRAL L., NATIVIDAD G., "Exporting Movies: Country Proximity, Release Strategy, and Performance", June 2018.


CHISHOLM, D.C., FERNADEZ-BLANCO, V., RAVID S.A., WALLS W.D., Economics of motion pictures: the state of the art, Journal of Cultural Economics, February 2015, Volume 39, Issue 1, pp 1–13


CONES, J.W., Dictionary of Film Finance and Distribution: A Guide for Independent Filmmakers, Algora Publishing, 2013 


CONNOR, J.D., Hollywood Math and Aftermath: The Economic Image and the Digital Recession, Bloomsbury Publishing USA,  2018 


EPSTEIN E.J., The Hollywood Economist 2.0. The Hidden Financial Reality Behind the Movies, Melvillehouse, 2012.


FRITZ B., Big Picture. The Fight for the Future of Movies, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2018.


GIL, R. LAMPE, R.,  "The Adoption of New Technologies: Understanding Hollywood's (Slow and Uneven) Conversion to Color", The Journal of Economic History, Volume 74Issue 4, December 2014 , pp. 987-1014


GIVEN G., CURTIS R., McCUTCHEON, M., "Blockbusters, Franchises and the Televisionisation of Cinema", Emerging issues in communication research and policy, the 2013 News and Media Research Centre Conference, Canberra, Australia, 18-19 November 2013


HANSSEN A. F., "Vertical Integration during the Hollywood Studio Era", The Journal of Law & EconomiVol. 53, No. 3 (August 2010), pp. 519-543


KING A.S., KING J.T., REKSULAK, M. "Signaling for access to high-demand markets: evidence from the US motion picture industry", Journal of Cultural Economics volume 41, pp. 441–465(2017)


KIM I, KIM, H.E., "The More, the Better? Movie Genre and Performance Analysis", Journal of Business and Educational Leadership, Vol 7, No 1, 2018, p.105-155.


IZQUIERDO SANCHEZ S., NAVARRO PANIAGUA, M. "Hollywood's Wage Structure and Discrimination", Lancaster University Economics Working Paper, January 2017 


LEV, P., Twentieth Century-Fox: The Zanuck-Skouras Years, 1935–1965, University of Texas Press, 2013 


LUCAS, R.C., Crafting Digital Cinema: Cinematographers in Contemporary Hollywood, The University of Texas at Austin, ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, 2011


MALTBY, R., BILTEREYST D., MEERS, P., Explorations in New Cinema History: Approaches and Case Studies, John Wiley & Sons, 2011


McDONALD, P., CARMAN E., HOYT E., DRAKE, P., Hollywood and the Law, BFI, 2015.


MINGANT N., Hollywood à la conquête du monde: Marchés, stratégies, influences, CNRS Editions, 2010.​


MINGANT N., "Hollywood et le département d'Etat : une liaison dangereuse ?"Géoéconomie 2011/3 (n° 58), p.67 -73


MOORE S.M., The Biz: The Basic Business, Legal and Financial Aspects of the Film Industry, Silman-James Press, 5th edition, 2018.


MPAA, The Dual Impact of Movie Piracy on Box-Office Revenue: Cannibalization and Promotion, MPAA, 2016.


MPAA, 2016 Theatrical Market Statistics Report, MPAA, 2017.


MPAA, The Economic Contribution of the Motion Picture & Television Industry to the United States, MPAA, 2018


MPAA, G is for Golden: The MPAA Film Ratings at 50, MPAA 2018.


MPAA, 2017 Theatrical Home Entertainment Market Environment (THEME) Report, MPAA, 2018.


MPAA, The Economic Contribution of the Motion Picture & Television Industry to the United States, MPAA 2019.


MPAA, 2018 Theatrical Home Entertainment Market Environment (THEME) Report, MPAA, March 2019.


PERREN, A., Indie Inc.: Miramax and the transformation of Hollywood in the 1990s, University of Texas Press, 2012.


POKORNY M; SEDGWICK J., "Profitability trends in Hollywood, 1929 to 1999: somebody must know something", The Economic History Review, 31, 1, 2010, pp.56-84.


SNL Kagan, U.S. Availability of Film and TV Titles in the Digital Age SNL Kagan, 2016, 


SPANER D., Shoot it ! Hollywood Inc. and the Rising of Independent Film, Arsenal Pulp Press, 2012.


SQUIRE, J.E., The Movie Business Book, 4th Edition, Focal Press, 2016.


STEINHART, D., Runaway Hollywood: Internationalizing Postwar Production and Location Shooting, University of California Press, 2019.


STONE PITZER, J., CinemaCon: Identifying the Voice of the Film Exhibition Industry Through the National Association of Theatre Owners’ Field-Configuring Event, 2011-2018Faculty of the University of Kansas, 2018.


TZIOUMAKIS, Y., American Independent Cinema. An Introductioon, Edinburgh University Press, 2006, 2nd edition 2017.


YOON HONG L., "Experts versus Audience’s Opinions at the Movies: Evidence from the North American Box-Office", Marketing Bulletin, 25, 2014.


WEBB L., GLEICH J. (eds), Hollywood on location: an industry, history. Rutgers University Press, 2019.



Bases de données - Archives


Box Office Mojo - Un des services de collecte de données sur les résultats au box office (Etats-Unis et autres pays dans le monde).


EDGAR - Base de données de la US Securities and Exhange Commission permettant d'accéder aux rapports d'activités des entreprises enregistrées aux Etats-Unis.


MMPDA Digital Archives - Documents from the Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America, Inc., 1922 - 1939


Ultimate Movie Ranking - Base de donnée qui compile les données résultats au box office depuis 1928 et les ratings. Malheureusement les sources des données ne sont pas précisées.




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