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1873-1879  1880-1889 1890-1899 1900-1909 

          1910-1919  1920-1924 1925-1929  1930-1934, 1935-1939,  1940-1949

6. 1920-1924

Textes scientifiques et techniques




  • "Picture is sent over telephone", New York Times, 15, July 29, 1920.

  • H.C. EGERTON, Western Electric, "Television", Patent US1605930, Filed 24 August 1950, Published 9 November 1920

  • "Photographs sent 1,000 miles by wire", New York Times, 17:3, November 15, 1920.




  • "Radio reproduces note across ocean", New York Times, August 5, 1921.




  • BELIN, E., "Radio-télégraphie transatlantique de caractères écrits ou imprimés et de dessins", L'Onde électrique, Mai 1922, pp.271-283.

  • JENKINS C.F., "Prismatic Rings", Transactions of the Society Motion Picture Engineers, 14, Meeting of May, 1, 2, 3 1922, Boston, pp. 65-73.

  • JENKINS C.F., "Prismatic Rings", Transactions of the Society of Motion Picture ENginers, n.14, May 1922, pp.65-73

  • BENINGTON A., "Sending Pictures by Wireless Telegraphy", New York World, 11 June 2022 ; repris in The American Photo-Engraver, July 1922, pp.345-359


  • LANGER, N., "A development in the problem of television", Wireless World and Radio Review, 11th November 1922, pp. 197-210.

  • "Belin shows Television", New York Times, December, 2, 1922


  • LOW A., article in Broadcaster, April 1923


  • "Une réalisation expérimentale de la télévision", Annales des Postes, Télégraphes et Téléphones, 12, avril 1923.

  • LACAULT, R.E., "The Belin radio-television scheme", Science and Innovation, 10, April 1923.

  • JENKINS, C.F., "The discrola", Transactions of the Society of Motion Picture Engineers, 16, May 1923, pp.234-238.


  • "Seeing by wireless", Chambers Journal, November 1923, pp.766-767.

  • RAMSEY, G., Television, Patent US1602121, Filed 5 December 1923, Published 5 October 1926.

  • KORN A., Bildtelegraphie, W. de Gruyter, 1923



  • SENSICLE, L.H., "Continuous Transmission of Images by Wire or Wireless", Patent Br. 236 464, 8 January 1824, attribution 8 July 1825

  • "Television promised by French inventor", New York Times, 17, January 14, 1924.

  • BELIN, E., "La transmission électrique des photographies", Bulletin de la Société française d'Electricité, 4, février 1924, pp.185-202.


  • ​SECOR H.W., "Telephone Wires Carry Pictures", Science and Innovation, July 1924 (repris également dans H.W. SECOR and J.H. KRAUS, All About Television, Experimenter Publishing Company, 1927)

  • "First picture by radio is printed in France ; Paris to New York transmission is planned", New York Times, 15, June 21, 1924.


  • JENKINS, C. F., "Recent progress in the transmission of pictures by radio", in Transactions of the Society of Motion Picture Engineers,  Number Seventeen, New York, 1924, pp. 81-85,

1873-1879  1880-1889 1890-1899 1900-1909 

          1910-1919  1920-1924 1925-1929  1930-1934, 1935-1939,  1940-1949

Textes littéraires, politiques, fantaisites, dessins, films,...

Photo du défilé d'ouverture des Jeux olympiques d'Anvers, transmise par Edouard Belin au journal Le Matin (à la une de l'édition du 15 août 1920)


Schéma du brevet de H.C. Egerton (1920)

Radio Amateur News  March 1920.jpg

ALLEN R.W., 'When the Lights Grew Dim", Radio Amateur News, March 1920


SHAW G.B., Back to Methuselah, Constable and Company, London, 1921.

"Now that there is a device to send picture by telegraph", Cartoons Magazine, vol.19, n.6, June 1921

MATTHEWS F. (ed.) "Seeing by Electricity", The Boy Scouts Yearbook 1921, p.164

Jenkins Patent 13 3 1922_edited.png

C.F. Jenkins, "Transmitting pictures by wireless", US Patent, Filed March 13,1922. Le premiert brevet de transmission des images par voie hertzinenne

popular science May 1922b.jpg

Popular Science, May 1922


Bissiri, 1922

Mrs Korn 1922.jpg

Portrait de Madame Korn, transmis en radio par le système de codage d(Arthir Korn (janvier 1922)

Popular Wireless Weekly September 1922_e

Popiular Wireless Weekly, September 1922




  • PAWLOWSKI, G. de, Voyage au pays de la quatrième dimension, 2ème édition, Fasquelle, Paris, 1923. (Recension dans Le Figaro. Supplément littéraire, 6 octobre 1923)

jenkins 1923.JPG

JENKINS, C.F., "Radio Photographs, Radio Movies and Radio Vision", Transactions of the Society of Motion Picture Engineers, 16, May 1923, p.78-89

Fournier d Albe 1923.jpg

Image transmise par la BBC suivant la méthode Fournier d'Albe (1923)

Leishman 1923.jpg

Système Leishman de transmission de photographies en couleurs (1923)

Ramsey Patent.jpg

Schéma de l'appareil de Ramsey (1923)



LOW, A., "The Machine Age", Time, Feb., 4 1924.


"Die Liebe per Radio", Allgemeine Zeitung, 12. Februar 1924.



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